Important notice for students of the Course in Political sciences and international relations


Students enrolled to the First year of the course in Political Sciences and International Relations are invited to attend their Lectures for the Second Semester in the Aula Magna of the former Private Law Institute (ex Diritto privato), located in Via Pietro Castelli, next to the Botanic Garden (Orto Botanico). 

Students enrolled to the Second year of the course in Political Sciences and International Relations are invited to attend their Lectures for the Second Semester in the Aula Ex Merceologia, located in via Piazza Pugliatti 1 , in front of Tribunale of Messina.

Students enrolled to the Third year of the course in Political Sciences and International Relations are invited to attend their Lectures for the Second Semester in the Aulario (Aula n.102) located in Via Pietro Castelli. 


Supplementary teachings 

Students are invited to attend their Lectures for the Second Semester in the following rooms:

- for Anti-Corruption private law (D. Foresta); International Organization (R. Virzo) ; History and Istitutions of Africa (M.D. Melfa), Aula Magna of the former Private Law Institute (ex Diritto privato), located in Via Pietro Castelli, next to the Botanic Garden (Orto Botanico). 

- for Tax Law (P. Accordino), Aulario (Aula n.102) located in Via Pietro Castelli.