In order to carry out the curricular internship, students need previously to attend the mandatory course on “safety at work”, indications on which are available at the following link:
The course of 4 hours is offered on an e-learning platform.
According to the provisions of D.M. 270/04, the curricular internship is mandatory to complete the study program and can be carried out in public institutions or in private companies, affiliated with the University of Messina. The internship pursues the following objectives:
a) the acquisition of specific knowledge related to the study program;
b) create a link between the university and the labour market.
TEL. 0906768579
Office hours: Tuesday and Thursday from 09.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. (necessary the appointment)
Corsi di laurea in:
- Scienze Politiche
- Amministrazione e Servizi
- Scienze dell'amministrazione e dell'organizzazione
- Scienze dell'amministrazione e dello sviluppo economico
- Scienze delle pubbliche amministrazioni
- Scienze delle pubbliche amministrazioni e cooperazione allo sviluppo
- Scienze politiche e delle relazioni internazionali
- Relazioni internazionali e Cooperazione allo sviluppo
- Relazioni internazionali
Students have the possibility to advance to their Study Program Coordinator new agreements with companies or institutions, using the following form and sending it to Dott.ssa Italiano:
MODULO (scarica il modulo in .pdf)
To arrange the internship, the student must:
1) agree with the Internship Office the company or the institution where the internship will be conducted;
2) download 3 copies of the training agreement, fill in them with the information, the objectives and complete them with the signatures of the parts;
3) send the 3 copies of the training agreement to the Internship office that will provide to complete the procedure (at least 1 day is needed) (scarica il progetto formativo in .pdf)
During the internship, the student must fill in the daily register, including the time, the date, the activities. (scarica il registro in .pdf)
Once the internship is ended up, the student is responsible to send to the Internships Office the following documents:
- Register
- Final evaluation agreed with the host institution and approved by the Study Program Coordinator(Scheda di Valutazione Finale)
- A short report on the internship experience
- Liking test (scarica modulo)
All the useful documentation for the trainee is available as an attachment at the bottom of the current page, under the heading "Trainee forms".
Each student, once ended up the mandatory internship provided in the study plan, can require a second curricular internship (extra study plan), which allows the student to gain an extra point at the time of the final dissertation, according to the art. 13 of the Study Program Regulation.
For this purpose, the didactic commission and the Council of the Department of Political and Legal Sciences in the 12 July 2021 reunion established the following modalities:
“on the student request and through a detailed project relating to the activities that the student wants to carry out in the host institution”. The project must be approved by the Study Programme Council and/or by the Internship Commission. Specifically, the project must point up clearly the objectives, the activities plan, the coherence with the objectives of the Study Plan and the others relevant aspects useful to evaluate the high cultural internship profile. The second internship must be carried out in a different institution or company than the previous one. The Study Program Council can provide a list of institutions where preferably carrying one the extra-curricular internship. The internships abroad will be appreciated. Further requirements can be established, considering the study program needs.”
Informazioni sull'avvio del tirocinio
Sig.ra Veneranda Cucinotta
Indirizzo: Via T. Cannizzaro N°278 - 1° Piano
Tel: 090 6766045
Orario di Ricevimento: Dal Lunedi al Venerdi 09.00-13.00 (su appuntamento)